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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Trend Forex System


The TrendForex Systems was made by trader John Chen. First impression here was also really bad, I did not like their site with HUGE red fonts and anoying POPUP that I even could not maganage to close.. and again long text about "super-powerful system" and stuff like that. But when I finally ordered and downloaded it, i was satisfied enough with it. TrendForex System Identifies the trend and can work for forex currencies and futures. After reading more information i found it rather "easy-to-understand". System gives clear entry and exit rules as well and can be applied for all timeframes and all currency pairs, futures, stocks, and indices... (as they claim, but of course i did not tested that because i trade only forex you know). About results here - they did not impress me too much, got the weak trend with small profit the next day I use it. The system is rather time-consuming for me.